





STEEPTEAM is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to providing climbing mentorship and training to Billings area youth interested in improving their climbing skills through practice and competition.

Our focus is to develop lifelong climbers.




STEEPTEAM gives talented young climbers the opportunity to excel in their climbing pursuits.

Climbers build skills with twice weekly practices they can use in local and regional competitions during the school year. The strongest will have the opportunity to participate in divisional and even national competitions.

During the summer, STEEPTEAM climbers will adventure outdoors, applying skills to the boulders and crags in and around the Billings area.

Local competitions will be required as we feel that they provide great benchmarking and goal setting opportunities in a friendly environment while helping foster the greater Montana climbing community.  We are not requiring team members to participate in USA Climbing sanctioned events.  Climbers wishing to compete at a USAC level will still have continued support by the team and coaches.  


2024 Fall Schedule

Practices for this season will begin on Tuesday, 9/10/24, and end Thursday, 12/12/24. All practices will be held at STEEPWORLD Climbing & Fitness and take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30-7:30 and 7:00-9:00 in two separate sessions. There will be no practice on Thanksgiving, and Halloween is optional. 


All team members are required to have climbing shoes (not rentals), a chalk bag, and appropriate climbing attire at every practice.


Steepteam Climbers are encouraged but not required to compete in USAC-sanctioned events.

To compete in USAC-sanctioned climbing regional competitions and beyond, climbers must qualify within the USAC Mountain West Region (region 22). Climbers advancing past a USAC regional level will have continued support from coaches. If a climber goes beyond qualifiers, you can expect to travel to different states. You can check this by going to https://usaclimbing.org/compete/region-22/

As well as USAC competitions, you may also do the Last Best Bouldering Series (LBBS). This is a Montana-wide bouldering competition with competitions in Whitefish, Helena, Great Falls, Missoula, Bozeman, Billings, and potentially Butte. This would be a great alternative for kids looking for something more accessible and community-based. Points Across competitions are cumulative, with “Montana Bouldering Champions” being announced at the final competition, The Montana Bouldering Championship in Billings at the end of the season. We will attend four of these competitions, including our own in Billings. 

Great Falls – October 19th

Missoula – November 2nd

Bozeman – November 9th

Whitefish – November 23rd

Helena – December 7th

Billings – December 14th

Expected Competition Season Cost

Steepteam Fee: $100 per month

STEEPWORLD Gym Membership: $59/month + $54 initiation fee

Competition Entry Fee: ~$50/competition

**USA Climbing – Competitor: ~$105

** This membership is required to participate in any USAC sanctioned event (Regionals, Divisionals, and Nationals). It is valid through the spring 2025 sport season and the fall 2024 boulder season. If a climber has already purchased a USAC competitor’s membership in the 2024 spring sport season, their membership should still be valid. Membership can be purchased at www.usaclimbing.org .


Due to the increase in climbers interested in SteepTeam and the lack of space, we are now putting a cap on the team of 26 climbers, 13 in each session. Because of this, we will be holding tryouts Sunday, September 8th, from 6:00 pm – 8:00pm. See tryouts information sheet for more details.



Head coach: Carter Lix  (406) 534- 6348

Assistant Coaches: Cara Lukas, Ryan Lybarger

STEEPTEAM Board Members: Jim Rott, Joel Anderson, Dusty VanRooyen, Heath Lillie, Jordan Lanini

If questions or comments still persist, email steepteamcoach@gmail.com.


STEEPTEAM is offering a limited number of scholarships this season. For more information, contact steepteamcoach@gmail.com.


For Legacy Information & the old SteepTeam Blog, visit:
